Sweet Dog Becomes One Big Wigglebut At Doggy Daycare

Enzo absolutely loves to go to doggy daycare. He loves it so much he wiggles, and wiggles, and wiggles some more. Enzo’s adorable wigglebutt was recently caught on camera when he went for a visit to Doggy Day Care Safeandhound in Wilsonville, Oregon.

His human said, “He loves it there, especially when Ali is there to greet him. Enzo always wiggles uncontrollably when he sees people he knows and loves.”

But that’s not the only reason. It turns out he has a condition called Cerebral Abiotrophy (also known as cerebellar cortical abiotrophy). It’s a genetic neurological disease that some dogs can be born with and affects certain breeds. The condition kills the brain’s Purkinje cells, without which an animal loses its sense of space and distance, making balance and coordination difficult.

His human explains it more simply. The condition affects “the part of his brain that controls motor function” and because it is not normal size, “he cannot always control his movements.”

“This is more pronounced when he is excited,” his human explained, as is the case when he goes to doggy daycare some mornings.

Enzo may not have perfect movements but he is a perfect sweetheart you will see in the cute video below.

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