How to Make Crunchy Apple Chips for Dogs

Autumn isn’t just the season for pumpkins and squash—it’s also the perfect time for apples. The team at Gone to the Snow Dogs took their huskies to an apple farm to gather fresh apples for making their special crunchy apple chip treats.

First, you will need a food dehydrator to make these apple chips.

Fill a bowl with water. Add a bit of lemon juice to keep the apple slices from going brown. This is less for the dogs and more for the humans.

Peel and ore the apples and cut them into nice slices. Gone to the Snow Dogs uses a cool Pautou Apple Peeler that peels, cores, and cuts apples into neat slices. As they mention in the video, any type of apple will do. And you can definitely feed the peel to your dogs (if they like it). But be sure not to feed them the cores. Apple seeds are dangerous for dogs.

Once the apple rings have soaked in the water for a bit, add them to the dehydrator for the recommended length of time. If you are making some for yourself (as Gone to the Snow Dogs does), then you can add some sugar and cinnamon for some extra flavoring.

The apple treats will be gobbled up by most dogs and will last a couple of weeks in the fridge (if they last that long!)

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