Golden Retriever Has Adorable Reaction When His Girlfriend Comes Over For Sleepover

When Benny the Golden Retriever finds out his girlfriend, Quincy (another Golden Retriever), is coming over for a sleepover, his reaction is absolutely adorable.

In a TikTok video shared by @bennythegoldennn, Benny’s mom tells him that Quincy is about to arrive. The moment he hears the news, Benny’s tail starts wagging excitedly as he rushes to the front door to keep a lookout. He then bounces onto the couch to peek out the window before returning to the door, just in time to watch Quincy’s car pull into the driveway. The clip is perfectly captioned, “Best day ever.”

Check out Benny’s heartwarming reaction in the video below:

As soon as Quincy gets out of the car the two rush into the house and start to play. The pair almost knock over furniture and Benny wants to show Quincy his toy.

One viewer commented: “Awwww he presented her his toy. Quince … girl … he’s a keeper.”

The anticipation was high. Benny was told the day before that Quincy was coming by and had an equally adorable reaction when he heard her name.

To say these two doggie friends are happy to see each other is an understatement! But who doesn’t like a friend who you can share a cuddle and a pup cup with?

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