
Dog Charms Audience as Cinderella In Winning Freestyle Heelwork to Music Routine

For the third year in a row, Skiffle and Lucy Creek have won the Freestyle Heelwork to Music Competition at Crufts, the largest dog show in the UK, and you are about to see why.

Heelwork to music is a dog sport similar to musical canine freestyle and involves intricate moves. In freestyle routines demonstrates the partnership by both handler and dog interpreting music using moves and linked behaviors.

Lucy and Skiffle look like they’re having so much me. Lucy writes, “For me performing is all about enjoyment. I love performing and I love my dogs to enjoy themselves as well. If on top of this we can produce a routine that the audience can enjoy as well, then we truly have done it.”

For Lucy and Skiffle’s routine, they performed to music from Cinderella with a Cinderella theme. Skiffle plays Cinderella right down to the glass slippers!

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