
Abandoned ‘Hyena’ Dog Goes from Scared to Happy When She Sees Rescuer Again

The dog has gone from looking like a hyena to such a fluffy pup!

When Aron saw Hena (aka Hyena), she was living as a stray at a run-down temple in Bali. He tried to give her food and get close to her but she was too scared and ran away. When he came to find her again, he couldn’t find her. Despite searching for her, Aron hadn’t been able to find her. But weeks later, while out driving, he spotted her on the side of the road. Hena’s fur was in much poorer condition and was patchy.

Hena seemed to remember Aron from before when he tried to feed and help her because this time she was much friendlier with him. In fact, when he got her to the vet she wanted to play and cuddle with him. It’s as if she knew she was safe now. She was just so loving and transformed quickly from being brokenhearted to happy.

Six weeks later, Hena’s fur was growing back. Aaron had brought her to a dog hotel while he figured out if he could find her a home. And he did !

A year later, Aron went to visit Hena and her family and she is doing so well. She’s so happy and fluffy that Aron hardly recognized her. She’s living such a happy life now thanks to Aron taking the time to care for her!

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