
Abandoned Siberian Husky Found Wandering Around Desert Neighborhood

The rescuers of an abandoned Husky were determined to find him a forever home no matter how long it took but after two failed rehomings they were wondering if they would be able to fulfill their promise.

Silver Wolf was spotted wandering in a desert neighborhood in Coachella. The Animal Rescue Center Of California (ARC) received several calls about the un-neutered dog who wasn’t chipped roaming their neighborhood for a week.

The neighbors felt that the dog had been abandoned. They had been feeding him and reaching out to several rescues for help. Kirk with ARC responded and when he arrived he quickly spotted Silver walking down a street.

Kirk called out for the Husky from his car but the dog wasn’t too interested in stopping for him. When Kirk got out of the car the dog was friendly and approached him, allowing him to leash him.

While rescuing Silver, one of the neighbors told Kirk that the dog belonged to an elderly neighbour who no longer wanted to care for him. “They were willing to adopt the dog if the old man agreed.”

So Kirk brought Silver into the family’s home. Sadly, 6 months later, Kirk got a call from Silver’s adoptive family. They could no longer afford to keep him. Silver needed a home again. Kirk found a wonderful couple an hour away who wanted to foster to adopt but they wanted to make sure Silver got along with their other dogs. Unfortunately, even though the humans fell in love with him, their other dogs never accepted him, and a month later Kirk got another call. Silver, yet again, needed a home.

Would the third time be the charm?

One of ARC’s fosters agreed to take care of Silver and he befriended her dog Boo. Then, during a visit to ARC’s vet hospital, fate intervened. Silver made an impression on one of the vet techs. In fact, he had made an impression on her much earlier. She had been disappointed to have missed out on her chance to adopt Silver the previous two times, but she was determined not to miss this chance. And it has worked out wonderfully for Silver. Silver, now Echo, gets along with everyone in the family and has finally found his forever home!

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