
Canoer Saves Lost Puppy Stuck on Island for Two Days

Kevin and Elizabeth Dalonzo were about to enjoy the 4th of July fireworks in Redwood City, California, when their 8-month-old Goldendoodle puppy, Leilani, ran away. The young dog panicked and bolted after she heard her first fireworks. The couple immediately began searching for her and looked for her throughout the entire night.

They panicked when in the morning they hadn’t found her but they continued searching. Two days later, Roger Dunne went canoeing in the area when he spotted a dog running on a large mudflat on the deserted Bair Island. He got up close to the muddy dog and she sniffed and growled at John. But a minute later she was eager to leave.

As soon as they got to shore Roger didn’t know what to do, so he brought the dog to a local vet. There he met Denise O’Brien with Silicone Valley Watch Dogs who got a video of the pair on social media. A short time later Roger got through to Kevin and left a message. Kevin says he was in tears when he heard that Leilani was okay.

A short time later, Leilani was overjoyed to see her dad again. Since then, Roger’s kind deed has gone viral on social media. He says he’s surprised by all the publicity but happy to have been in the right place at the right time.

Dogs often can respond unpredictably to fireworks and firecrackers and catch their humans off guard. Take a look at some helpful tips to prepare for events with fireworks and for thunderstorms as well.

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