
How to Make Carob Easter Bunny Treats for Your Dog

Ever want to give your dog an Easter treat to celebrate the holidays? EXCEPT, of course, you know they should never ever get chocolate ones. Gone to the Snow Dogs shares her recipe for how to make cute Easter Bunny treats that look like chocolate but are made with carob and peanut butter.

This recipe has only 2 ingredients – unsweetened carob chips and peanut butter. She explains the ratio should be either a 60/40 ratio of carob chips to peanut butter or 50/50. As Gone to the Snow Dogs shares in the video, make sure neither ingredient includes xylitol, which is toxic to dogs. You’ll also need some Easter silicone molds.

The video walks you through how to make them; they are super easy to whip up.

PS if you are admiring the adorable Easter Dog collars her huskies are wearing, they are available on Amazon.

Want to make Marshmallow Peep Treats for Dogs? Check out the recipe here.

Also Gone to the Snow Dogs provides a disclaimer to her treats – “As with ALL treats, feed in moderation, and don’t feed anything to your dogs that you don’t feel comfortable feeding them. These are treats, not meal replacements.” She also adds, “Please note that I’m neither a vet nor an animal nutritionist, so it’s advisable to consult with your own authority when trying new foods, and also to ensure that your dog’s home cooked diet is balanced & includes all of the nutrients that are necessary for your dog’s health.”

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