Europe’s Biggest Animal Shelters Ban Adoptions For Christmas

Europe’s Biggest Animal Shelters Ban Adoptions For Christmas

Germany’s biggest animal shelters are banning adoptions for the Christmas season. Berlin’s Bremen animal shelter, the largest in Europe, was the first to announce a moratorium on adoptions after December 18th. The shelter houses around 500 homeless dogs and cats. It seems counter-intuitive, but the shelter says it’s for the good of the animals. Shelters…

How to Make Homemade Jack-O-Lantern Dog Treats for Halloween

How to Make Homemade Jack-O-Lantern Dog Treats for Halloween

If you are looking for a Halloween treat that your dogs will love, you will want to check out these DIY dog treats that are in the shape of Jack-o-lanterns and made from pumpkin and peanut butter! Gone to the Snow Dogs loves to treat her huskies to homemade treats and in this video she…

Rescued Bulldog Relies On Her Turtle Costume to Help Calm Her Nerves

Rescued Bulldog Relies On Her Turtle Costume to Help Calm Her Nerves

Lilly was found in a trash can when she was just 5 weeks old. Her early abandonment has had an effect on her, and despite being in a loving home, she has remained anxious. But her new mom found one thing that makes her feel better – her turtle costume. In fact, the outfit is…

How to Make Pumpkin Dog Biscuits That Your Dogs Will Love

How to Make Pumpkin Dog Biscuits That Your Dogs Will Love

Pumpkin is plentiful in Autumn, so why not make some delicious treats for your dogs? Chef Janie shares her recipe for pumpkin dog biscuits. “Our Siberian Husky pup loves these biscuits I made up a few weeks ago,” says Chef Janie. “They stay fresh in container for over a month. They really clean her teeth…

Letting Your Dog Sleep With You Good For Chronic Pain, New Study Reveals

Letting Your Dog Sleep With You Good For Chronic Pain, New Study Reveals

Letting dogs onto the bed could help people living with chronic pain sleep better and ease feelings of anxiety and loneliness. A new study from the University of Alberta reveals that letting a dog sleep with chronic pain sufferers can help them. The findings are contrary to the commonly-held advice prescribed by doctors. “Typically, people…

border collie expertly herds sheep
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Border Collie Herds Sheep, Proving Why He’s The Expert In The Field

Border Collies are the breed of choice when it comes to sheep farming. It’s been that way for centuries and the reasons are many. Their intelligence, their speed and their aptitude. But if there’s any doubts as to why Border Collies rule when it comes to herding sheep, let this dog put them to rest….

How to Prevent Your Dog from Food Guarding
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How to Prevent Your Dog from Food Guarding

Preventing and correcting a dog’s potentially possessive behavior towards food or toys is very important for the safety of your dog, your family and others. It is a key part of training your dog. In this video, Joey from New York Bully Crew shows his technique for preventing dogs from food guarding. He uses positive…

Certain Flea and Tick Medications Could Cause Seizures in Dogs, FDA Says

Certain Flea and Tick Medications Could Cause Seizures in Dogs, FDA Says

FDA-approved tick and flea medication could cause seizures and other neurological effects in dogs and cats, health officials are warning. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning on September 20, 2018 alerting pet owners about the potential for muscle tremors and seizures in dogs and cats when treated with flea and tick…

Border Collie Grabs a Lasso and Line Dances With ‘Cowboy’ in Fun Dance Routine

Border Collie Grabs a Lasso and Line Dances With ‘Cowboy’ in Fun Dance Routine

Border Collies are a popular dogs when it comes to agility and dancing competitions because of their dexterity and intelligence. Falco is one such dog when he and his owner/handler Lukas Pratschker took to the stage at Crufts 2018 to perform in the Heelwork to Music competition. The auditorium saw wonderful performances by legendary Mary…

Woman Dances On The Beach with Her Beautiful Dog

Woman Dances On The Beach with Her Beautiful Dog

Anastasiia Beaumont and her Border Collie Yugi both perform in competitions together. But it seems even when they’re on holiday they still like to practice as this video demonstrates. They recently went on holiday to Spain and while enjoying the sunshine and sand they decided to learn a new trick. “What some people call ‘podium…