Time You Are Spending On Your Phone is Making Your Dog Sad, Says Vet

Time You Are Spending On Your Phone is Making Your Dog Sad, Says Vet

If there hasn’t been a strong enough reason to take a break from technology until now, then this one just might do the trick. Spending hours interacting with your phone is making your dog sad, according to a veterinarian surgeon. “We’re a nation obsessed by our mobile phones,” veterinary surgeon and founder of VetUK, Iain…

Dog in Incredible Pain Given New Lease On Life
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Dog in Incredible Pain Given New Lease On Life

When Freckles turned up at a shelter, she was is poor shape and constant pain. The mama dog had entropion – the eyelashes flipped inside the eyelid, constantly irritating the eyes and causing extreme pain and infections. But Vet Ranch’s Dr. Dave took on her case and one delicate surgery later Freckles is ready to…

Man Rescues ‘Alcoholic’ Dog and Helps Him Get Over His Addiction
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Man Rescues ‘Alcoholic’ Dog and Helps Him Get Over His Addiction

A man who saved a dog’s life after he learned that the dog was being forced to drink alcohol shared his remarkable story of how he helped the dog recover from his addiction. Redditor I_am_a_mountainman shared his rescue story after initially seeking advice for how to help the dog who developed a dependency on alcohol….

Newborn Puppy Rejected At Birth is Nursed Back to Health By Hand
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Newborn Puppy Rejected At Birth is Nursed Back to Health By Hand

When it comes to survival, the weakest animal in a litter will always have the hardest time. Sometimes a mother will have a baby that is not feeding properly because she has too little milk or, sometimes the bigger siblings push the weaker one aside, so it cannot get enough food. Breeders and animal rescuers…

Man Starts Grooming His Dog And By The End Has Incredible Pile Of Fur

Man Starts Grooming His Dog And By The End Has Incredible Pile Of Fur

Every dog parent thinks their dog has a lot of fur, but this video might make you reconsider. A young man decided to make a time-lapse video of him giving his Samoyed a brush and we’ve never seen anything like it. It took him an hour to finish the grooming, but at least his dog…

dog riding in back of truck

Animal Welfare Group Warns of the Dangers of Transporting Dogs in the Back of Pickup Trucks

Every summer there are frequent warnings about the dangers of leaving dogs in hot cars, but there are far fewer warnings about the dangers of letting dogs ride in the back of open pickup trucks. Letting your dog ride unsecured in the back of a pickup truck is not only unsafe it can be potentially…

Golden Retrievers Adorably Line Up To Get Their Paws Washed

Golden Retrievers Adorably Line Up To Get Their Paws Washed

There’s a reason Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. They’re just so sweet and well-mannered! These four dogs have just had some fun outside playing, but before they go inside they need to get their paws cleaned. That’s why they’ve learned to politely line up at the door…