monkey the belgian malinois uses the toilet

Belgian Malinois Who Uses Toilet Has Better Manners Than Many People

A Belgian Malinois named Monkey has learned to pee in the toilet just like a person. Not only does he lift the lid first, but he makes sure to aim properly and then put the lid down again before flushing! Monkey’s video has gotten millions of views for good reason. Viewers are completely in awe…

dog has emotional support rat during grooming

Dog Has His Emotional Support Rat By His Side During First Grooming

Girl With The Dogs regularly grooms many different dogs. And she is nothing if not accommodating when it comes to unusual requests. But the request by Sully the Australian Shepherd took us by surprise. Sully is a very nervous puppy, so for his first groom his parents wanted his emotional support rat to accompany him!…

Squishy the dog loses weight.

Rescued Dog Needs To Lose Half Her Bodyweight, Gets Help From New Dad

When Jimmy rescued Squishy, she could barely walk a couple hundred yards because she was double what she needed to weigh. So they began to exercise five times a week. It was such hard work. But as Squishy shed the pounds, she became more vibrant and energetic. Soon she was running! After three solid years…

long haired german shepherd gets groomed

Talkative Long-Haired German Shepherd About to Get Her First Groom

A snow globe of furfetti? A shepherd symphony? Not a problem. Groomer Girl With The Dogs is prepared to give Tikka the long-haired German Shepherd her first ever groom! Girl With The Dogs says that groomers aren’t always fans of grooming German Shepherds as they often have anxiety about being away from their owners and…

Toy Poodle Joins Other Small Dogs as Part of Japanese Police Force

Toy Poodle Joins Other Small Dogs as Part of Japanese Police Force

Toy dog breeds are tiny, agile and adorable. But fit for police duty? It doesn’t spring first to mind, but in Japan small breeds have been part of Japanese police departments for 21 years! A toy poodle named Hannah recently joined police in Okayama, western Japan after passing a rigorous test. She joins other small…

Water Rescue dog with Scuola Italiana Cani Salvataggio
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Italy’s Dog Lifeguards Jump Into Action to Save Lives

Italy’s Coast Guard has K9 lifeguards who can leap from helicopters or speeding boats to aid swimmers in trouble. The Newfoundland dogs have a minimum of three years training before they can jump from moving transports and are considered expert rescuers. Their tremendous strength and swimming ability means these dogs can paddle to shore with…

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14 Dog Sports For You and Your Dog To Enjoy Together

As dogs have become companion animals and further away from their traditional work roles as hunters, trackers and herders, many dogs don’t have a regular outlet to channel their natural abilities and energy. Dog sports fill that gap. From nose work to agility, to surfing and dock jumping, canine-related sports encourage dogs to utilize their…

This Grooming of Four Adorable ‘Bear Cub’ Akita Puppies is Ridiculously Cute

This Grooming of Four Adorable ‘Bear Cub’ Akita Puppies is Ridiculously Cute

Girl With The Dogs regularly grooms many interesting dogs but for this particular grooming session she grooms what she jokingly says are “bear cubs” but are really four ridiculously cute American Akita puppies. Do you remember Kuma? Well, he’s the daddy of these adorable bundles of fluff. During the groom, Girl With The Dogs clips…

Groomer Takes On ‘Most Gigantic Dog’ She Has Ever Worked On

Groomer Takes On ‘Most Gigantic Dog’ She Has Ever Worked On

Three canisters of shampoo wasn’t enough to wash this 130-pound Leonberger! With his waterproof coat and 130 pounds, Maximus required a groom that “took forever”, according to Girl With The Dogs. She says Maximus is the most gigantic dog she has ever groomed. Check out Maximus before and after his epic grooming session!