Good Samaritan Shares Account of Finding a Dog Locked in a Hot Car

Good Samaritan Shares Account of Finding a Dog Locked in a Hot Car

“WTF is wrong with people? It’s 95 degrees and he’s been here for at least 30 min. I’m waiting for the police now,” declared a Good Samaritan. The concerned man took a photo of the distressed dog left in the hot car with his cell phone. After calling police, he waited for them to arrive….

Tiny Dog Attacked by Coyote Saved by Unexpected Hero

Tiny Dog Attacked by Coyote Saved by Unexpected Hero

Trixxie the chi-weenie was waiting outside on her leash while her mom used the restroom at their home. While she was outside (less than 5 minutes), she was suddenly attacked by a hungry coyote! That’s when her friend Happy (the neighbor’s Rottweiler) came to the rescue! It’s dramatic footage that would have ended badly for…

Dog Owner Warns Of Dangers of Dogs in Elevators After Frightening Incident
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Dog Owner Warns Of Dangers of Dogs in Elevators After Frightening Incident

This video is a scary reminder to never let go of a dog’s leash, especially around elevators. Tamara Seibert was getting on the elevator with her two dogs when something incredibly scary happened. She was taking Vado, her 110-pound Rottweiler, and her friend’s Pit Bull down from the 11th floor of her apartment to the…

tips for keeping dogs safe during fireworks

Tips for Keeping Dogs Safe During Fireworks Celebrations

More pets go missing during holidays with fireworks than any other time. In the United States alone, July 5th is the busiest day of the year for animal shelters taking in lost pets. The second busiest is Halloween, when firecrackers and fireworks are lit. Many dogs that would otherwise be calm run away from home…

Woman Warns Dog Owners About Popular Plant After Her Dog Dies
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Woman Warns Dog Owners About Popular Plant After Her Dog Dies

There are countless plants that are toxic to dogs, but we hadn’t realized just how deadly heliotrope is to dogs until we read this Facebook post from Alicia Harrison after her dog died. She shared her distressing story as a precaution for other pet lovers so they are aware of this popular plant. “FB friends,…

dog riding in back of truck

Animal Welfare Group Warns of the Dangers of Transporting Dogs in the Back of Pickup Trucks

Every summer there are frequent warnings about the dangers of leaving dogs in hot cars, but there are far fewer warnings about the dangers of letting dogs ride in the back of open pickup trucks. Letting your dog ride unsecured in the back of a pickup truck is not only unsafe it can be potentially…

French Bulldog Struggling to Breathe On Plane Saved By Fast-Acting Flight Crew

French Bulldog Struggling to Breathe On Plane Saved By Fast-Acting Flight Crew

The flight crew on a Jet Blue flight are being credited with saving the life of a French Bulldog having a hard time breathing. Michele and Steven Burt were on a Jet Blue flight Thursday from Florida to Massachusetts when they noticed something wrong with their French bulldog Darcy. Darcy’s tongue and gums had turned…

tick prevention
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Canine Lyme Disease: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Lyme disease is one of the most common tick-transmitted diseases in the world and it affects dogs just as much as it does humans. Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium (borrelia burgdorferi) that is commonly transmitted to animal hosts by ticks. Deer ticks, Western black-legged ticks, Taiga ticks and Sheep ticks (Castor Bean ticks) are…