Six-Week-Old Border Collie Puppies Practice ‘ Stop and Go’

Six-Week-Old Border Collie Puppies Practice ‘ Stop and Go’

Border Collies are renowned for being one of the intelligent dogs given their marvelous abilities in herding animals, performing in agility and dog dancing competitions and their work in other important fields. They are great listeners and have wonderful innate traits that can be brought forward at a very young age. Take these puppies in…

Woman and Two Belgian Malinois Show Off Amazing Dancing Skills

Woman and Two Belgian Malinois Show Off Amazing Dancing Skills

Polina Ilina has appeared many times at dog dancing competitions in Europe and Russia throughout the years, winning top prize for her exceptional heelwork to music with her canine partners. In this fabulous video, Polina shows why. She is practicing with two of her Belgian Malinois on a rural street in Moskva, Russia. Polina expertly…

dogs herd ducks into ring

Border Collies Expertly Herd Ducks Into Hula Hoop

Border Collies are expert herders and they can corral more than just sheep. During a demonstration at Putnam County Fair in Cookeville, Tennessee, Candy Louise Collins filmed her husband, Chad, and their three dogs demonstrating how to herd a group of ducks. The goal was to move the ducks into the center of a hula…

Dogs Can Be Optimistic Or Pessimistic Just Like People According to Study
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Dogs Can Be Optimistic Or Pessimistic Just Like People According to Study

A study on dog behavior has revealed that some dogs are inherently more optimistic than others, just like people. Dr. Melissa J. Starling, an animal behaviorist at The University of Sydney, Australia, did a study to gauge whether or not dogs expect more positive outcomes in their life or more negative outcomes. “This research is…

Dachshund Adorably Responds To Harry Potter Spells Cast By His Human

Dachshund Adorably Responds To Harry Potter Spells Cast By His Human

As any fan of the Harry Potter books will tell  you, one of the most memorable things in the stories are the spells the wizards can cast. And although the series has all kinds of animals – owls, cats, and magical creatures, there aren’t any dogs. But dog lover Anna Brisbin decided to change that…

Gladiator and His Border Collie Battle To Win Heelwork To Music Routine

Gladiator and His Border Collie Battle To Win Heelwork To Music Routine

When it comes to dog dancing in the performance circuit there has been all kinds of award-winning routines. Some have been inspired by fairy tales, others by cowboys, and then there’s this one is inspired by Roman gladiators. Hailing from France, Thierry Thomas along with his Border Collie Ubac Du Mas De La Rabeyrine began…