yorkie rescue at NMDR

Paralyzed at a Puppy Mill, Yorkie’s Fighting Spirit is Beautiful to See

When Jack the Yorkshire Terrier arrived at National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) he was a “very sick little boy.” The dog was undernourished, weighing just 2.2 pounds. He had been stepped on by a husky at breeding facility, an accident that caused paralysis in his back legs. “His broken little body had taken nearly as…

dog reunites with family after 11 years

Dog Stolen 11 Years Ago Reunites with Overjoyed Family

A dog stolen 11 years ago from his home gave his family a welcome shock. A few months ago, Michelle Carlos, Animal Control Officer with Stoughton Police Department in Massachusetts, spotted a tiny Yorkshire Terrier running loose on the street. She picked him up and brought him back to the shelter for care. “Animal Control…

Water Rescue dog with Scuola Italiana Cani Salvataggio
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Italy’s Dog Lifeguards Jump Into Action to Save Lives

Italy’s Coast Guard has K9 lifeguards who can leap from helicopters or speeding boats to aid swimmers in trouble. The Newfoundland dogs have a minimum of three years training before they can jump from moving transports and are considered expert rescuers. Their tremendous strength and swimming ability means these dogs can paddle to shore with…

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14 Dog Sports For You and Your Dog To Enjoy Together

As dogs have become companion animals and further away from their traditional work roles as hunters, trackers and herders, many dogs don’t have a regular outlet to channel their natural abilities and energy. Dog sports fill that gap. From nose work to agility, to surfing and dock jumping, canine-related sports encourage dogs to utilize their…

Baby Girl dog adopted after nearly 5 years waiting

Wonderful Dog In Shelter for Nearly 5 Years Adopted and Now Won’t Stop Smiling

A dog who spent nearly five years in an animal shelter won’t stop smiling after finally finding her forever home. The staff at Capital Humane Society (CHS) in Lincoln, Nebraska, are smiling too, because the long-awaited adoption couldn’t have happened to a more “wonderful dog.” Baby Girl arrived at CHS on December 7, 2017, according…

Neighbor Sends Toys Across Apartment Balconies To Friendly Dog

Neighbor Sends Toys Across Apartment Balconies To Friendly Dog

A neighbor who noticed Coby the Golden Retriever watching him from an opposite balcony decided to befriend the dog, which lead to an unusual way of sending the pooch gifts. It all began when Sherwin Brown saw Colby watching him from the balcony of Alyssa Westhaver’s apartment in San Diego, California. The dog would watch…

Scared Dog Living on Her Own In Wilderness Learns to Trust Again

Scared Dog Living on Her Own In Wilderness Learns to Trust Again

Meet Didi. She was living in the wilderness, her days filled with being hungry and afraid. A kind woman left out food for her but thankfully Didi came to the attention of Les Amis Des Animaux who came and rescued her. Didi went to be fostered by Kate, where she had to be completely re-domesticated….