Dog Too Scared to Let Rescuers Near Her Hides in The Woods

Dog Too Scared to Let Rescuers Near Her Hides in The Woods

Howl Of A Dog rescued a frightened homeless dog from a roadside when they weren’t expecting to as as they were about to discover, it turned out to be more of a challenge than they were expecting. The Romanian rescuers described her rescue on YouTube: “Catching her was quite a challenge as she was too…

Stray Dog With Broken Leg Outruns Rescuers Frantically Trying To Catch Him

Stray Dog With Broken Leg Outruns Rescuers Frantically Trying To Catch Him

When Hope For Paws arrived to save Echo, they could immediately tell the little dog had a very badly broken front leg. The poor dog couldn’t put any weight on it, but that did not stop him from trying to run away. They knew they had to be very careful trying to catch him because…

Good Samaritan Helps Rescue Dozen Dogs From California Wildfires

Good Samaritan Helps Rescue Dozen Dogs From California Wildfires

Dozens of animals, including 17 dogs, got a helping hand from a man who went to help a friend rescue his animals from the California wildfires and ended up saving a whole lot more. Dan Sauvageau is a developer from Roseville, California. He drove to Magalia in Butte County in a heavy-duty truck with a…

Two Puppies Attacked By Wild Animal Survive Thanks to Caring Rescuers

Two Puppies Attacked By Wild Animal Survive Thanks to Caring Rescuers

Two puppy sisters were struggling to survive after they were attacked by an unnamed wild animal in a village in India. The two pups had tried to defend themselves and survived the attack, but they were left with deep puncture wounds from the bite of the animal – likely a big cat. In India, wildlife…

Rescued St Bernard Learning What It’s Like to Have a Family and Home For First Time

Rescued St Bernard Learning What It’s Like to Have a Family and Home For First Time

A 130-pound dog is learning what it’s like to live in a home with a family for the first time in his life. Cosmo is a St. Bernard who was surrendered to Hearts United for Animals in Auburn, NE. The shelter doesn’t know why his breeder decided to give him up, but they were overjoyed…

Stray Dog Regularly Visits Car Wash to Get Scrub and Back Rub

Stray Dog Regularly Visits Car Wash to Get Scrub and Back Rub

A street dog in Turkey has gotten worldwide attention for using an automatic car wash to get a shoulder rub and clean. According to Turkish media the dog, named Linda, is a regular at the gas station in Izmir. Footage of Linda’s peculiar past-time has been shared on reddit and Twitter and gone viral. In…

dog and elephant amazing friendship

Amazing Friendship Between Dog and Elephant Continues to Inspire

Bella and Tarra had an amazing interspecies friendship that lasted 8 years. Tarra the elephant became best friends with Bella the dog at the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee over a decade ago. Bella wandered onto the 2700-acre sanctuary as a stray and called it home. “Bella lived on her own as a stray in the…

Dog Who Spent 7 Years At Shelter Acts Like Puppy When She Gets Family She Always Wanted

Dog Who Spent 7 Years At Shelter Acts Like Puppy When She Gets Family She Always Wanted

When Jennifer Hoyt walked into the doors of the Oahu SPCA shelter and asked about Pirate they were shocked. The senior dog had spent half her life in the shelter being overlooked, seven years to be exact. That anyone would express interest in Pirate seemed like a dream come true. There was a small catch…

street puppy with hurt pelvis

Injured Street Puppy Unable To Stand Only Wants Love From His Rescuers

When rescuers arrived to save a street puppy, they found him in under a truck. He was so badly injured he couldn’t move. Despite the pain he was in, he wagged his tail when one of the rescuers from Animal Aid Unlimited, India approached. After returning to the shelter they found the puppy they named…

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