shelter dogs pick out toys

Shelter Dogs Excitedly Pick Out Toys from Under the Christmas Tree

A few days before Christmas, the Animal Rescue League of Iowa wanted to treat their shelter pets to a Christmas surprise by letting them pick out a toy from their Tree of Life to take back to their kennels – and they loved it! The animal shelter noted that “what these babes are really wishing…

woman serenades her dog

Dog Has the Cutest Reaction When Her Human Serenades Her with a Christmas Song

Daniela Andrade and her dog Dina really love each other and it shines through in this sweet Christmas video. The popular YouTube singer decided to spread Christmas cheer in her latest video with her singing Christmas Time Is Here while Dina listens on. Watching Dina’s adoring expression while she listens to Daniela’s beautiful, clear vocals…

Truffle the dog loves snow

Adorable Spaniel Experiences Snow for the First Time and Goes Absolutely Bonkers

When a Cocker Spaniel named Truffle Hunter stepped outside recently, he was surprised to see snow for the first time. But his surprise quickly turned into delight. In fact, he was so happy about the snow that he celebrates by zooming up and down the sidewalk with such exuberance he almost wipes out! His mom,…

Clever Dogs Work Together to Surprise Their Family for Christmas

Clever Dogs Work Together to Surprise Their Family for Christmas

This very smart pack of dogs work together to surprise their humans by decorating the home for the holidays! The moment their mom step out of the room, they set to work hanging ornaments on the Christmas tree and arranging the presents! Every one of these eight dogs pitches in for the Christmas surprise. If you…

Pet Parent Wraps Himself Up as a Giant Christmas Present for His Dog

Pet Parent Wraps Himself Up as a Giant Christmas Present for His Dog

This adorable dog named Trouble got a special surprise on Christmas morning when there was a present under the tree just for him. Noel Parsons came home for Christmas and decided to wrap himself up as “a giant present” for his dog. When Trouble sniffed out what was underneath all the wrapping paper, he got…

huskies in tug-of-war

Huskies Have Hilarious Tug-of-War Over Tiny Piece of Paper

These two huskies are battling over a tiny piece of paper and it’s hilarious. The two siblings, Deisey and Blues, seem locked in a “fierce” tug-of-war, with neither one giving an inch. The two hilariously whine at the other while keeping their mouths tightly shut and holding onto the paper. Maybe they are trying to…

Sweet Boxer Dog Gets Unpleasant Surprise from Adorable Baby

Sweet Boxer Dog Gets Unpleasant Surprise from Adorable Baby

One month old Benjamin was spending some quality time with Liberty the Boxer when the dog got a surprise that is making everyone laugh. As you’ll see, dad is filming the adorable pair on the carpet of their home and the first few minutes of their time together is simply precious. Liberty rolls onto her…

Alaskan Malamute Throws a Temper Tantrum When He Sees What He Is Getting For Dinner

Alaskan Malamute Throws a Temper Tantrum When He Sees What He Is Getting For Dinner

Easton isn’t a fan of pork, so when the Alaskan Malamute is given a bowl for dinner, he does what most malamutes are famous for – he howls. He adorably protests while his human tries to convince him to give it a try. It looks like he’s almost playing a game and at one point…

Orphaned Fawn Finds Comfort With Dog Who Scares Bears for a Living

Orphaned Fawn Finds Comfort With Dog Who Scares Bears for a Living

Mishka is a wildlife service dog who is specially trained to help recondition bears that have become habituated. He scares the bears so they become afraid around people. Despite having to be tough and mean, Mishka is a gentle soul, as this video demonstrates. When his human, Officer Richards, was called out to rescue an…