How to Train Your Dog to Drop Objects on Command
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How to Train Your Dog to Drop Objects on Command

Many dog owners have had the experience of digging into their dog’s mouth to remove that smelly, unknown object the dog refuses to drop and just has to eat. It’s not pleasant and it always leads to the worry that he/she has eaten something that might make them sick. Teaching your dogs to drop objects…

Canadian Eskimo Sled Dog Enjoys Keeping An Eye On Everything — From The Roof

Canadian Eskimo Sled Dog Enjoys Keeping An Eye On Everything — From The Roof

Freia is a Canadian Eskimo Sled dog who enjoys a view. One winter, Freia used accumulated snow to get on the roof of her family home in Yellowknife, in Canada’s Northwest Territories. From that point on, Freia sought out the roof to peruse the neighborhood. David Livingstone, Freia’s owner, says the breed loves to explore…

Dog Patiently Waits for Beloved Toy to be Repaired

Dog Patiently Waits for Beloved Toy to be Repaired

It’s a moment that many pet parents will recognize with their own fur kids. Abby the Labrador’s favorite toy was in need of repair, so her mom gives it some necessary stitching and repairs. Meanwhile, Abby patiently waits by her mom as her favorite toy is getting fixed, with an anxious, anticipatory concentration. When it’s…