dog brings home turtle

Dog Tries to Sneak Turtles into the House But is Caught Red-Handed

Mya is a dog with an unusual new habit. The Great Pyrenees likes to smuggle turtles into her home. Her mom, Rachel Laposka, recently filmed Mya bringing one of her new “friends” home and her attempts to get Mya to let the turtle go. The 19-year-old student from Sharpsburg, Georgia, can be heard coaxing Mya…

introverted dogs meet at park

Group of Introverted Dogs Meet Up and it Goes Exactly Like You Would Expect it to

It’s not a scene one usually sees at a dog park. Dogs quietly standing apart from one another, each minding their own business and avoiding eye contact. There wasn’t the normal rambunctious playing or barking or butt sniffing you’d expect with a pack of dogs. But there’s a reason for that. This was a meet…

dog used by backyard breeder rescued

Abused Dog Had Given Up On Life Until She Meets Pack of Rescue Dogs

When Lucy showed up in someone’s yard, the Golden Retriever looked like she had “been bred hard.” She was bedraggled and wouldn’t eat hard kibble. A Good Samaritan contacted Lee Asher with The Asher House and he came out to rescue the dog. Lucy had scars on her head and nose and had just had…

dog hilariously howls with wolves

Dog Hilariously Howls With Wolves and They So Judge Him For it

While this dog was visiting a zoo with his humans he became mesmerized by a group of howling wolves. He was so taken in that after a few seconds of listening he decides to join in, which leads to one wolf’s hilarious reaction. The video was filmed at a zoo in Neuruppin, Brandenburg, Germany and…

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