
Couple Spends a Year Trying to Persuade Stray Dog to be Rescued

It was summer when a large stray dog wandered out from the woods around Joe and Marla’s property. The dog looked gaunt and hungry so the couple tried to help him but he was too scared. This was the beginning of a year long journey to try and rescue “Scooby.”

The couple would leave out food for him and repeatedly tried to catch him but he just wouldn’t let them get close to him. When winter arrived, Scooby disappeared but they still would call for him in the hopes he would appear.

It wasn’t until the following summer that Scooby returned. He appears to have had a change of heart because this time he ran right over to Joe when they called. At this point, they knew that Scooby had decided they were going to be his family. But it was when they introduced their dog Samson to Scooby that they decided he was their family too.

The two dogs instantly became friends and Scooby trusted Samson enough to come into the house, something he would never have done on his own. Now, a year after he first appeared in their lives, Scooby is happy and healthy and at home. And he’s got a new fur sibling too. Sunny Meadow has joined the family and already loves her big brothers.

@mfive5 #bigbrother #scoobydoo ♬ Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress – The Hollies

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