Couple Rescue Terrified Stray Dog Running On Freeway
Changing a stray dog’s life can happen in an instant. That’s what Cathy and Dave did for a small stray dog they spotted running on the freeway. Cathy shared with DogHeirs how they saved their rescue dog Charlie. Here’s her rescue story in her own words:
“‘Do something Dave, please!’ This was my panicked cry to my husband who was in the driver’s seat on this fine Sunday morning. We both saw a tiny little dog running up the off ramp towards a freeway. This was very near a ferry terminal and carries many semi trucks and of course other vehicles. This dog seemed to be on a suicide mission and was running scared.”
“Dave quickly pulled over and I jumped out before the car stopped rolling. I tried to corner this little dog, to no avail, I switched gears and started motioning to traffic to slow down, about six vehicles pulled over and we managed to get the dog, to run down the off ramp onto a less busy street.”
“We were all trying to catch this dog, he would only come so close and then run again. We happened to have one of our dogs, George the Shih Tzu in the car, along with his dish of dog food. We set the food down for this poor starving pup. He wanted to eat but was too scared to come close. My hubby, the sprinter athlete, decided enough was enough. He chased this dog for 30 minutes until he wore him out and then was able to pick him up and wrap him in his sweater.”
“We drove him right to our vet’s office. Thankfully they are open on Sunday. This little fella was so badly matted, his back legs were matted together and he was only 6 pounds. He had fecal matter shoved down both ears and was clearly in an emaciated state. He was very gentle and scared out of his mind. He had to be held at the pound for two days before he could have the vet do anything (legal reasons).”
“Our wonderful vet clinic donated their services. He was neutered, had 7 teeth extracted, had his ears cleaned thoroughly and had all his fur shaved off. He was then taken back to the pound to heal for 5 days. Once he was ready to be adopted we brought him home.”
“He was so tiny and cold, we brought him this little body sweater. He wore it until his coat grew back. This was the first day of the rest of his life!”
“He has been named Charlie, is up to 8 1/2 pounds and how we cherish him. He adores us too.”
“He has a special bond with my husband who of course, physically removed him from the depths of despair…I am thankful for them both!”