
Dog Caught in Freak Landslide While On Hike Miraculously Survives

Recently, a dog named Rio miraculously survived a dangerous landslide while out on a hike with his human, Dín Medina Torres near their home in Peru. The pair were hiking in the mountains as they regularly love to do. Torres was filming Rio sniffing a tree when he noticed the ground beginning to shift.

husky in landslide
Rio the husky seconds before the landslide. TikTok @rio.siberianhusky

Torres immediately called Rio to come but the Husky wasn’t fast enough. Suddenly, the ground underfoot shifted and swept away Rio along with the tree Rio had just been sniffing!

Watch the scary moment in the video below:

@rio.siberianhusky #accident #riothehusky #riohusky #rio #derrumbe #desastre ♬ Amanecer en la Selva Amazónica – Desestresse

Rio was literally carried down the hill at an alarming speed by the flood of dirt and rocks.

husky in landslide
Rio the husky being carried away by landslide. TikTok @rio.siberianhusky

Thankfully, the Husky had survived. Torres shared video of Rio climbing back up the mountainside. The dog was panting heavily by the time he climbs back up to the top but thank goodness he was able to!

@rio.siberianhusky Respuesta a @vidar.7u7.69 #avalancha #rio #uvitas momento en el que Rio sale del #derrumbe ♬ Dancing With Your Ghost – Sasha Alex Sloan

Rio appeared all right but Torres shared on TikTok that he traveled 12 hours to a veterinarian hospital that “treat him and give me a complete diagnosis.” Rio had a cut on his leg but was otherwise all right. Torres said that after 7 days Rio had 100% recovered. Torres shared a video of Rio running in the mountains, playing and happily greeting the neighborhood kids.

@rio.siberianhusky Respuesta a @Chiquitita 7 semanas despues, rio está lúcido de nuevo. #riothehusky #riohusky #rio #huskylife #siberianhusky ♬ Who Let The Dogs Out – Original – The Doggies

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