
Dog Found Living Among Pack of Feral Dogs and Terrified of People Makes Amazing Transformation

Sassy was found living among a pack of wild dogs and was completely feral when she was rescued by Coastal German Shepherd Rescue OC. She was so terrified of people that she would defecate if people got too close. Coastal GSR knew she would be a challenging dog to reform and she couldn’t go to a normal foster home. So she was sent to Jeff Tesero, a very experienced trainer who has had great success with feral dogs. What happened over the next year was simply amazing!

Coastal GSR wrote of Sassy, “She was by no means an easy case. It was six months before Coastal GSR volunteers could handle her. Even after her boot camp training was over, Jeff continued to work with her every day. With volunteers also socializing her, she was making great progress and was nothing like the dog we first met.”

Sassy made such incredible progress that after one year of working with Jeff and Coastal GSR volunteers, she was ready to join a family. Coastal GSR said, “Lucky for her, the perfect couple wanted to meet her and they fell in love. She went home with them and has become a model canine.”

To support Coastal GSR with their rescue efforts visit their website.

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