Adorable Dog Caught Lazily Relaxing on Sheep

A sheep farmer filmed a cute video of a little dog taking a break from guard duty to relax on top of them instead.

“Today our sheep were accompanied by a new furry friend,” says the farmer from Fordongianus, Italy, who shot the amusing video of his dog Margherita (Daisy).

In it, a herd of sheep are resting on a grassy green hill and the tiny dog is lying on top of one sheep. She yawns and looks about, unfazed by the videographer filming her. But she barks a few times to sound the alert and let him know he sees him.

Margherita may first appear to be lazy and “sleeping on the job”, but she’s actually very smart. Being on top of one sheep gives him a better vantage point while resting at the same time!

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