
Certain Flea and Tick Medications Could Cause Seizures in Dogs, FDA Says

FDA-approved tick and flea medication could cause seizures and other neurological effects in dogs and cats, health officials are warning.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning on September 20, 2018 alerting pet owners about the potential for muscle tremors and seizures in dogs and cats when treated with flea and tick drugs that are in the isoxazoline class.

These medications/products includes Bravecto, Credelio, Nexgard and Simparica.

All the drugs in the isoxazoline class have been FDA-approved, and the FDA says the medications have been used safely in the majority of pets, but it still recommends dog owners discuss potential adverse drug effects with their veterinarians.

“The FDA considers products in the isoxazoline class to be safe and effective for dogs and cats but is providing this information so that pet owners and veterinarians can take it into consideration when choosing flea and tick products for their pets,” the organization stated on its website.

You can read more of the FDA’s warning here.

Many veterinarians are already aware of potential side effects associated with all flea and tick products and manufacturers of these drugs have done extensive tests and reviews. Merck, which manufactures Bravecto noted, “After three years of post-marketing surveillance of more than 80 million Bravecto doses distributed in 85 countries, the overall worldwide reporting rate for neurological signs, including seizures, remains classified as very rare.”

It should be noted that heath professionals are advising pet parents not to stop using flea and tick prevention products. Keeping your dogs free from fleas and ticks is very important in preventing the spreading of parasitic diseases and should not be ignored.

However, pet owners are asked to report any side effects their pets may have experienced due to these drugs to their veterinarian or report it to the FDA.

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