Great Danes Befriend Wild Moose and Have So Much Fun Playing in Snow Together

When an Alaskan dog guardian noticed his two Great Danes hadn’t come back inside like they usually do he went to investigate and found the pair of dogs had made a new friend.

The pet parent wrote, “”After my Great Danes didn’t come in like normal, I went out on the back porch to see why they wouldn’t come when I called.”
“I realized they had been quietly playing with a young moose for about a half hour and didn’t want to come back in, even though it was very cold out,” he continued.

In the clip shared on YouTube, the two big dogs race alongside the fence with the moose keeping pace. The trio look like they’re having a lot of fun. Dad said in the video, “What a fun game – this is definitely a game because it’s been going on for half an hour.”

In fact, the dogs were having so much fun that eventually dad had to go and fetch them.

The dad shared, “They played for about another 15 minutes before I had to walk down and bring them back by their collars.
The moose didn’t want play time to be over either because the Alaskan resident wrote, “The moose then laid down and waited for over 3 hours. He came back several days in a row and they have all really bonded.”

What an incredible sight to see. It’s not the first time dogs have been caught playing “fence tag” with a wild animal. In one video a husky made a new friend with a deer. And in another video a Rottweiler befriended a deer in a park.

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