Mama Dog Snarls at Rescuer When She Approaches Tent with Her Puppies, Months Later it’s a Different Story

A mama dog and her puppies who were living in a tent outside have brand new lives thanks to a team of dedicated animal rescue volunteers.

Laurette, a dog foster mom in California, got an emergency phone call saying that a mama dog and her seven newborn puppies were living in the tent on a rural property. The owner of the property took Laurette back to the tent where Darcy, a Doberman Pinscher, and her puppies were.

Darcy immediately didn’t trust Laurette and snarled at her. She was very unhappy to see her but Laurette knew it was because she was trying to protect her family.

Darcy and her puppies. Hope Ranch Animal Sanctuary
Darcy living outside in a tent. Hope Ranch Animal Sanctuary

The property owner held Darcy back as Laurette took Darcy’s puppies to her van. Darcy followed her to the van and even let her pet the top of her head. Laurette knew that was her chance and she was able to put Darcy into the crate with her puppies.

Darcy and her puppies went to the home of Lauren and her family to be fostered. Darcy wasn’t so sure of what was going on but her foster family was very welcoming and they never rushed her. Within a week, Darcy came to them for love and attention. Laurette said Darcy’s 180 “felt like a miracle.”

Lauren and her family helped Darcy trust humans and fostered her and her puppies for three months.

Why three months? Hope Ranch Animal Sanctuary, who helped get Darcy and her puppies, explained, “Well because of where they [the puppies] were living, their immune systems were not great. The day we scheduled their photoshoots for when they turned 7 weeks to get ready for adoption at 8 weeks…BAM. Foster mom woke up to puppies with puppy strangles. Weeks later after they were all healing and we thought all was well…NOPE.”

“Not only did they develop ringworm but demodex mange too,” the sanctuary continued. “MONTHS of vet trips, testing, medications, and LOADS of TLC to say the least and not to mention thousands of dollars later as well as one AMAZING foster family who stuck through it all. They were finally healthy babies ready for adoption. BIG babies at that!”

Darcy and her puppies. Hope Ranch Animal Sanctuary
Darcy at her foster home. Hope Ranch Animal Sanctuary

Once the puppies got the clean bill of health they moved to Hope Ranch to get further socialization and readied for adoption.

Laurette took Darcy home to foster and to give her a well-earned rest from being a mom. A few months later, Hope Ranch Animal Sanctuary shared wonderful news that Darcy and all her puppies have found homes.

“After nearly six months, this whole family of EIGHT has finally closed their rescue chapter and began their new, happiest, chapter of their lives with their new families,” they wrote on their Facebook page. “What a rollercoaster of emotions. This rescue mission would not have been possible without the village we are forever thankful to have.”

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