Clever Man has Surefire Way of Getting His Lazy Dog Out of Bed

Drake the Portuguese Pointer mix sometimes doesn’t want to get out of bed in the mornings. After trying to get him to come downstairs for twenty minutes, his guardian, Ben Lucier, had an idea. An unusual one to be sure, but it works!

Ben wrote:

“Somedays I just can’t get my dog Drake out of bed. It normally involves going upstairs and dragging him out of bed to take him to doggy daycare so I can go to work. Recently, I found a sure-fire plan that works every time!”

The moment Drake hears the sound he runs down the stairs and looks around quizzically as if asking, “Where are those pesky raccoons, dad?” It must be the hunting dog in him that responds to the sounds. But we’re sure Drake will forget being tricked by his dad once he’s with all his friends and having fun at doggy daycare.

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