
Mary Ray Performs One Last Time With Her Dogs in Magical Routine

Mary Ray has been a staple on the dog dancing circuit for decades, but at this year’s Crufts, it was announced that this would be her last performance ever at the event where she gave birth to heelwork to music.

The British professional dog trainer is credited with creating the dog sport – heelwork to music.

Heelwork routines emphasize the partnership of handler and dog walking/moving at heel and choreographing the heelwork to the music and Mary Ray is an absolute master.

She first demonstrated the sport at Crufts in 1990. Now in 2018, she took to the stage at Crufts to dance one last time with her dogs Lyric and Frankie.

It’s amazing to see how the dogs are so attentive to her, watching her ever move and she makes it look so effortless. As the announcer says at the end, “What a swan song!”

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