pregnant pitbull gets out of shelter to give birth

Pregnant Pit Bull So Relieved That Her Babies Will Get The Love They Deserve

A homeless pregnant Pit Bull named Zia needed to get out of the shelter and give birth in a safe place. That’s when Noelani with Fresno Bully Rescue got her out and took her home to foster. It wasn’t long after that Zia went into labor. Noelani says that Nia was “super relaxed” after giving…

Community Rallies To Help Dogs After Ohio Shelter Loses Power During Heatwave

Community Rallies To Help Dogs After Ohio Shelter Loses Power During Heatwave

With soaring temperatures in many States, over 100 million people have been cautioned to keep indoors and out of the heat. But what happens if you lose power, your air-conditioning and have dozens of dogs to look after? That’s the scary situation that faced the Franklin County Dog Shelter and Adoption Center in Colombus, Ohio…

Toy Poodle Joins Other Small Dogs as Part of Japanese Police Force

Toy Poodle Joins Other Small Dogs as Part of Japanese Police Force

Toy dog breeds are tiny, agile and adorable. But fit for police duty? It doesn’t spring first to mind, but in Japan small breeds have been part of Japanese police departments for 21 years! A toy poodle named Hannah recently joined police in Okayama, western Japan after passing a rigorous test. She joins other small…

dog reunites with family after 11 years

Dog Stolen 11 Years Ago Reunites with Overjoyed Family

A dog stolen 11 years ago from his home gave his family a welcome shock. A few months ago, Michelle Carlos, Animal Control Officer with Stoughton Police Department in Massachusetts, spotted a tiny Yorkshire Terrier running loose on the street. She picked him up and brought him back to the shelter for care. “Animal Control…

Water Rescue dog with Scuola Italiana Cani Salvataggio
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Italy’s Dog Lifeguards Jump Into Action to Save Lives

Italy’s Coast Guard has K9 lifeguards who can leap from helicopters or speeding boats to aid swimmers in trouble. The Newfoundland dogs have a minimum of three years training before they can jump from moving transports and are considered expert rescuers. Their tremendous strength and swimming ability means these dogs can paddle to shore with…

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14 Dog Sports For You and Your Dog To Enjoy Together

As dogs have become companion animals and further away from their traditional work roles as hunters, trackers and herders, many dogs don’t have a regular outlet to channel their natural abilities and energy. Dog sports fill that gap. From nose work to agility, to surfing and dock jumping, canine-related sports encourage dogs to utilize their…

oaty heals from mange

Street Dog’s Tail Never Stops Wagging Entire Time He is Healing

Oaty is not “just your average sweetheart with mange” says Animal Aid Unlimited, India. The little dog was very scared when they arrived to rescue him, but the “second he was in our arms on that treatment table” Oaty was so grateful. The moment they began to give him treatment “Oaty’s tail started to wag…

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