
Pit Bulls Who Bonded at Rescue in Asia Meet Their New Dad And Fall In Love

Toad and Backpack are two pit bulls who bonded despite their sad history. The two dogs were among a group of neglected dogs saved by Slaughterhouse Survivors HRB in China and would have ended up at a meat market had they not been saved.

Backpack, especially was in desperate shape. She was skin and bones and on the brink of death but her rescuers hid her in a backpack and stole her away to safety.

Something magical happened when the two dogs met at the safehouse – they instantly loved each other and were joined at the hip. One year later they flew to Los Angeles where another magical thing was about to happen – the two dogs were about to meet their new dad.

Jed Ballou was anxious and excited to meet the pair. It became quickly obvious that Toad and Backpack didn’t really know how to be dogs. But Jed was happily surprised how quickly they picked up how to be dogs. Now, a year later, he says the two are putting their sad pasts behind them and continuing to thrive in their new home.

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