Ring Camera Catches Adorable Moment Puppy Left Alone With Brother for the First Time

Alexander and his wife work from home, which can pose a bit of a problem when they have two rambunctious Australian Shepherds. Usually 4-month-old Bill Bobaggins stays in his crate when the couple work upstairs so he doesn’t get to play with 1.5-year-old Smokey Boo Boo. But on this day, the couple decided to “test out how [Bill] behaved himself if we left him out with his big brother.”

“It’s always tough to monitor the puppies when we’re in other rooms on calls for work,” says Alexander. So the couple put out a Ring camera in order to try and keep an eye on their dogs while they worked.

Viewing the footage, we’d say that Bill and Smokey were pretty well behaved for Australian Collies.

After seeing the two energetic dogs playing together, Alexander commented, “We were just happy they were keeping themselves entertained, and not in the destructive sense. We’re always happy to see them playing with each other and expending their energy.”

Viewers agreed that the pair didn’t get up to too much mischief, all things considered. And people were equally impressed that the mug survived the playtime. Says one commenter, “Was it just me or was everyone looking at that Mug the whole time?”

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