Rescue Dog Makes Sure To Check Up On Toddler Every Night

After receiving several alerts on her phone from a security camera in her son’s room, Emily noticed her rescue dog doing something so sweet she had to share it.

In the video footage, her dog, Kendall, is seen approaching baby Austin’s bed and checking in on him. Not only that, Emily’s husband, Davy, observed that Kendall was checking in on her baby human brother “every hour.”

“My heart just about exploded,” Emily said after seeing how protective and concerned Kendall was. Since then, the couple have noticed that it’s become Kendall’s nightly routine.

Seeing how close Kendall is to Austin makes Emily even more grateful for her decision to foster Kendall years ago. Back in 2015, when their other dog, Tiger, needed a playmate, Emily and Davy decided to foster Kendall, who was just hours from being euthanized. Initially, Kendall was quite destructive, but with training, structure, and love, she grew attached to everyone in the family.

Her protective instincts emerged after Austin was born. From that moment on, she would whimper and alert Emily when Austin woke up. The 100-pound dog also made sure she played gently with Austin, aware of her big size. And when Austin asked his parents if Kendall could sleep with him, they set him a challenge for him that he passed with flying colors. Now, Kendall doesn’t need to check on him every hour—instead, she simply sleeps at his feet, keeping a loving watch.

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