
Dog Who Spent 9 Years In Shelter Like ‘Sleeping Beauty’, Eagerly Hoping for New Life

Beauty is one tenacious dog, who refused to give up, despite nine long years at a shelter. But it hasn’t been an easy journey for her.

Found abandoned as a puppy in Mani, Greece, Beauty was taken in by a local charity. There, she lived with 150 other dogs. Fortune did not smile on her and she was simply overlooked by potential adopters year after year.

When she got very sick with leishmaniasis, she was taken in by an experienced foster caregiver in Athens, who wanted to give her a second chance.

There were many times her rescuers didn’t think she would pull through her sickness. But somehow, she did. Beauty proved to be one tough girl, who just wouldn’t give up, not with the world finally opening up to her.

Despite all her years in a shelter, Beauty is happy, social and strong. She loves playing with the cat in the house and exploring the world denied to her for so long. Now that she is healthy, she is more than ready to enjoy life to its fullest.

Valia with The Orphan Pet says Beauty “a chance to spend the rest of her life in a loving home”. After all, a dog who has been “sleeping” for almost 10 years, deserves all the happiness she can get.

To adopt Beauty contact SPAZ.

It appears that Beauty may have been adopted!

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