Spaniel Saves Baby from Wandering too Close to Dangerous Waves

A video showing a spaniel racing to prevent a baby from getting too close to the dangerous sea shows just how protective dogs can be.

In the video, the dog is seen playing fetch with his family at a beach near Kabak Bay in Turkey. The video then cuts to the baby crawling towards the water and the heroic dog rushing over to lay between the baby and the water.

Moments later the infant’s mother is seen racing over and picking up her baby and taking her out of harm’s way.

Note the video is in Turkish and after 0:42, commentators talk about the incident.

It’s not clear how the baby’s mother lost track of her child or why those filming were too far away to reach the beach, but many parents can recall a time when they have had a panicked moment of losing track of a child. In this instance, which occurred several years ago, it was fortunate that the family dog knew exactly what to do!

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