Sweet Spaniel Adorably Springs Back Into Cuddle Position
Kanzie the Springer Spaniel is all about the cuddles. Watch this short but sweet video of the dog refusing to give up her cuddle time whenever her human tries to move her away.
A 4-year-old rescue dog came to Vet Ranch unable to walk. Her rescuers were hoping Dr. Wendy could help heal Bella. Bella had a herniated disc, which caused a compression of her spinal cord leaving her without the use of her back legs. Dr. Wendy began a series of treatments, including laser work. And with…
When these dogs got their cones of shame, their humans decided to do something to brighten up the occasion and came up with these creative ways to decorate the elizabethan collars!
A tiny Yorkie and his pal were playing fetch in the pool with their human when he did something that made the whole family laugh and cheer! The video opens with a young woman in the pool coaxing her dogs to come in and “get it”, the it being a toy to fetch. The big…
When Bullit the white Pit Bull hears a “fart” noise he doesn’t like it…or does he? Bullit is minding his own business when his human makes a fart sound. Immediately his ears perk up. What was that sound his human just made? Was it a fart? At first he looks almost upset and sad that…
Every child needs a teacher and puppies are no different. In this adorable clip, Milo the dog is digging in the sand while Honey, his younger sibling watches what he’s doing. At first she tries catching the sand, but soon she’s right behind him, copying his every move. She’ll be digging holes all of her…
These two pugs really go at it until their mom asks a question that stops them dead in their tracks.