Stray Great Pyrenees Rescued After One Year Of Fending For Himself

Miles the Great Pyrenees had been living life as a stray for a year when Megan Allen saw a post on Facebook. After learning other dogs were attacking him and temperatures were soaring to 110 degrees (43 C) in the rural area of California, Megan decided this poor pup had been on the streets long enough.

She drove out to save him and found him right away. However, although he liked taking treats from her, he didn’t want to be leashed. She spent the entire day trying to catch him and then realized she needed help. That’s when she reached out to Danny Spanks of A Safefurr Place Animal Rescue.

With Danny’s help, Miles was about to experience a whole new life!

Miles moved in with foster caregivers from Mad Love Animal Rescue where he soon showed them how much he loves interacting with humans and the other dogs. And it didn’t take long for this big, affectionate dog to find a home, his foster family’s home!

Thanks to Megan, Danny and the others involved, Miles has gotten his happy ending!

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