Street Dog at Market Rescued in Poor Condition after Botched Surgery

A street dog who grew up at a market needed rescuing after she was spayed by someone but it was badly done. Love Furry Friends was notified that “Rosy” was in poor health as a result. Raised at the market place in a Ukrainian town since she was a puppy, Rosy had many of the shop keepers taking care of her. But when rescuers found her, they could see that her belly was swollen and her ear tag (indicating she had been spayed) was not put in properly and had gotten infected.

There are tens of thousands of stray dogs in Ukrainian cities. For the most part public utility companies are the ones that vaccinate and sterilize the dogs in coordination with local governments. Many dogs are brought to kill shelters. So Rosy was actually quite lucky to have the people at the market looking out for her.

But when she was taken to a vet, they told rescuers that Rosy’s sterilization had not been done correctly and she needed a second surgery. Thankfully, she pulled through and a week later, Rosy’s wound looks much better and her ear is healing nicely.

Now this sweet dog is looking for a forever home. She’s very well socialized having grown up in the market. She loves people, other dogs and animals. If you are interested in adopting Rosy, email: lovefurryfriends1 (at) gmail (dot) com

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