Sweet Dog Stays By Gate for Days After Being Kicked Out of the House

A poor dog stared at the gate of his home for days after his owner kicked him out of the house because he wasn’t a good guard dog. The dog named Leo just couldn’t understand why he wasn’t allowed home anymore. But his owner had already bought another dog to guard their home, leaving Leo out on the street.

Neighbors grew concerned for Leo’s welfare and contacted Love Furry Friends Rescue for help. When they arrived they found him still sitting by the gate to his home. Rescuers called Leo’s owner and confirmed that they no longer wanted him and locals told rescuers that Leo is very gentle and kind around children. Feeling badly for him, the locals would feed him. But of course a dog like Leo shouldn’t be left to fend for himself!

Sadly, dogs like Leo are all to commonly treated badly in the Ukraine, with many people opting to abandon animals rather than reach out to rescues or find them an alternate home. There are rescue groups in the country working hard to change people’s attitudes towards pets and stray dogs. Thankfully, in Leo’s case, Love Furry Friends is looking to find him a forever family who will appreciate his loving, loyal qualities!

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