Sweet Dog Overwhelmed By Curious Foster Kittens

Nugget is usually relaxed around the foster kittens his human mom brings home. Recently, however, a bunch of feral kittens gave him pause. In fact, it seems he was a little bit overwhelmed by their attention and decided to find a better “hiding spot” than his bed.

Says his human:

“This is my male rescue dog, Nugget (age 10) with our foster kittens from the SPCA I work at. They were feral when I received them so we were working on socializing them at the time of this video which will help them be adopted. Nugget is the best choice for socialization as he’s fairly calm and non-reactive.”

Viewers commenting said poor Nugget looked like a “scaredy cat” but most didn’t blame him. “It’s almost like that one scene from Jurassic Park with all the tiny dinosaurs surrounding the one guy,” commented another. “Looked like a pack of velociraptors ganging up on a doggosoraus,” added someone else.

Others thought the cats were simply curious and were simply thinking “Who’s that funny-looking kitten over there?”

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