Man Wakes to Noise at Night and Sees Something Strange by His Dog’s Water Bowl

Man Wakes to Noise at Night and Sees Something Strange by His Dog’s Water Bowl

When Lacy’s human, David, awoke to a noise coming from the bathroom, he went to investigate and was alarmed by what he saw. A dark shape was lurking at his dog’s water dish making a lot of noise. It couldn’t be Lacy, as the shape in the dark was brown and long and she was…

dogs noodle competition

Two Golden Retrievers Take On Their Dad in Noodle-Eating Competition

Two Golden Retrievers happily take part in a noodle-eating competition with their human and show why dogs reign supreme when it comes to eating! The cute video captures two dogs named Dan Huang and You Li sitting in front of the dining table eating noodles with their dad. He tries valiantly to keep up with…

dog snatches food from chopsticks

Impatient Golden Retriever Cannot Wait Any Longer For Snack

This adorable Golden Retriever broke table manners after waiting for her human to share his meal with her and her sibling. In this cute clip, two well-mannered Golden Retrievers named Dan Huang and You Lia re patiently watching their dad eating his meal. The dog on the right is wearing a cute pink bib, and…

Man Finds Stray Dog in Bird Bath and Keeps Him as New Best Friend

Man Finds Stray Dog in Bird Bath and Keeps Him as New Best Friend

A stray dog who decided to cool off in an Oklahoma man’s bird bath now has a forever home where he can enjoy that bird bath whenever he likes. Larry Flick from Cushing, Oklahoma was in his garden when he discovered the stray and it didn’t take long for him to win Larry’s heart. Larry…

dogs tug of war Christmas tree

Dogs Try Their Best to Stop Their Human from Throwing Out Christmas Tree

Erin Graham filmed this hilarious video of her two German Shepherd Dogs making a valiant – and hilarious – effort to stop her husband, David from throwing out the Christmas tree. Or should we say, their revered big stick? Every time David tries to lift the tree over the yard’s fence to dispose of it,…