Clever Dog Figures Out How to Steal Steak Off of Kitchen Counter

Clever Dog Figures Out How to Steal Steak Off of Kitchen Counter

When Topango’s family noticed food disappearing from their kitchen counter, their Chinese Crested Dog quickly became the prime suspect. They just couldn’t figure out how the small dog managed to reach the food. So they installed a surveillance video camera, and finally caught the clever dog in the act. It turns out Topango makes one…

Husky Refuses to Move From Snow Pile as Grandad Tries Shoveling it Away

Husky Refuses to Move From Snow Pile as Grandad Tries Shoveling it Away

Snow. Huskies. The two go together so naturally that it’s hard to picture one without the other. So it’s no wonder that when the first big snowfall came to Buster the Husky’s home, he was ecstatic. And it’s equally understandable that he wasn’t as happy to see his granddad scooping it away. No, seeing granddad…