Photographer Captures the Playful Friendship Between Her Daughter and Bulldog

Photographer Captures the Playful Friendship Between Her Daughter and Bulldog

Lola the English Bulldog and her 4-year-old human Harper are best of friends. Their mom Rebecca Leimbach is a professional photographer said that the pair have been inseparable since Harper was born. She began taking photographs of the pair playing together after her daughter came out of her playroom dressed up as a princess and…

bull terrier surrounds herself with shoes

Dog has the Sweetest Way of Comforting Herself when Daddy’s Not Home

Our dogs all have their own ways of waiting for us to come home. Being a social, pack animal, they are unhappy when their family leaves them behind. Inevitably, they can’t wait for us return. One Reddit user showed just how much his dog, Luna, misses him when he posted this sweet photo of her…

Pit Bull Rescued from Dog Fighting Finds Friendship With Rabbit

Pit Bull Rescued from Dog Fighting Finds Friendship With Rabbit

A Pit Bull and adult Flemish giant rabbit aren’t the first pair of animals to come to mind when you think snuggle buddies. But that’s what’s happened in Mindy Hayes’ home. “My pitbull is amazing and this shows that it’s NOT the breed. Grace originally was used for fighting, later ended up tied to a…

Three-Legged Dog Stuck In Puppy Mill Cage For 9 Years Finally Gets His Happily Ever After

Three-Legged Dog Stuck In Puppy Mill Cage For 9 Years Finally Gets His Happily Ever After

Trip spent nine years stuck in a puppy mill cage. With only three legs (from an unknown injury), rotten teeth and really long nails, the tiny Chihuahua didn’t know what life outside a cage was like. But in September, Trip was finally rescued from his terrible life by National Mill Dog Rescue. They drove him…

Nobody Wanted This ‘Quiet, Low-Energy’ Dog, But A Couple Found What Makes Her Happy

Nobody Wanted This ‘Quiet, Low-Energy’ Dog, But A Couple Found What Makes Her Happy

A dog who was languishing at a shelter kept on being passed up because she was deemed too quiet and low energy. No one wanted Lhotse — until Noël and her boyfriend saw her picture and wanted to adopted her right away. She and her boyfriend went to get the dog, but the staff told…

Rescued Bulldog Relies On Her Turtle Costume to Help Calm Her Nerves

Rescued Bulldog Relies On Her Turtle Costume to Help Calm Her Nerves

Lilly was found in a trash can when she was just 5 weeks old. Her early abandonment has had an effect on her, and despite being in a loving home, she has remained anxious. But her new mom found one thing that makes her feel better – her turtle costume. In fact, the outfit is…

Stunning Portraits of Dogs Capture Essence of Northern Landscapes

Stunning Portraits of Dogs Capture Essence of Northern Landscapes

For her most recent project, canine photographer Alicja Zmysłowska traveled to remote northern locations to photograph dogs among the stunning landscapes. Entitled “Craving Miracles”, the series was created over three years. The young Polish photographer visited Iceland, Norway, and Alaska with her own dog, Ciri, and other dogs, to capture them among icy beaches, beautiful…

Touching Moment Blind and Deaf Puppy Recognizes Dad When He Comes Home

Touching Moment Blind and Deaf Puppy Recognizes Dad When He Comes Home

A puppy named Opal is so excited when she smells her dad coming home for work in this touching video. Opal was born deaf and blind as result of bad breeding (she is a double Merle). While playing in the garden with mom she suddenly smells something in the air – she recognizes that her…