Lonely and Sad Abandoned Dog Looking For Someone She Can Trust

Lonely and Sad Abandoned Dog Looking For Someone She Can Trust

“Cindy Lou just sat on the sidewalk, kind of hopeless, unsure of her future,” writes Hope For Paws. The sweet, small dog was sad and scared, abandoned on the harsh streets with no certainty she would survive. But help was on its way. “When Loreta Frankonyte and I arrived, we knew exactly how to save…

ocean the dog rescued

Matted Dog Too Nervous to Approach is Rescued Under Cover of Darkness

A small stray dog was abandoned on the streets of Los Angeles and living day by day when Hope For Paws received a call to help her. “When we received the call about Ocean, it was already after midnight,” explains Eldad Hagar. “I asked Loreta Frankonyte to join me even though we already had a…

Dog With Life-Threatening Gash in Leg Saved Before The Worst Happened

Dog With Life-Threatening Gash in Leg Saved Before The Worst Happened

When rescuers with Animal Aid Unlimited, India arrived to save Almond, he was bleeding profusely from a huge gash in his leg. The street dog didn’t know it, but his wound was life-threatening and needed to be treated immediately. Given how dangerous a situation Almond was in, and the fact that he was likely in…

pitbull comforts injured deer

Gentle Pit Bull Comforts Injured Deer and Refuses to Leave Her Side

After seeing a deer in distress, Loreal Camelo’s dog Gotti was upset and wanted to help the injured animal. “After a deer got stuck in our garden fence Gotti became so concerned about the deer he sat there with us for hours licking and comforting the deer until animal rescue came to take the deer…

Dog Falls Asleep On Her Rescuer’s Lap After Realizing She’s Been Saved

Dog Falls Asleep On Her Rescuer’s Lap After Realizing She’s Been Saved

Bella spent most of her life confined to a small kennel at a city shelter in Romania. Howl of A Dog rescued her and, as they were on her way to the veterinarian, she immediately fell asleep on her rescuer’s lap. She was so exhausted but seemed to know she was finally safe and in…

Starving Puppy Hiding in Trash Did Not Want to Be Touched At First

Starving Puppy Hiding in Trash Did Not Want to Be Touched At First

An emaciated puppy was hiding in a room in a box filled with garbage. The street dog was exhausted from hunger and mange and so malnourished his bones protruded. He was terrified of even the lightest touch, but Animal Aid Unlimited India took the starving street dog to their shelter. Just a few months later,…

Rescue Dogs in Wheelchairs Play Adorable Game of Tag at Moroccan Animal Shelter

Rescue Dogs in Wheelchairs Play Adorable Game of Tag at Moroccan Animal Shelter

A heartwarming video of “wheelie dogs” from an animal shelter in Morocco is warming the hearts of dog lovers. SFT Animal Sanctuary, based in Tangier-Tetouan, shared the video of some of its wheelchair-dependent rescue dogs playing an energetic game of tag. The shelter is home to 16 “wheeliebabies”, many having survived terrible ordeals. One such…

Grateful Puppy Just Rescued From Chain Comforts Woman Who Saved Him

Grateful Puppy Just Rescued From Chain Comforts Woman Who Saved Him

An abandoned puppy just rescued from a chain can’t stop showing how grateful he is to the woman who saved him. Reportedly, this poor abandoned dog went days without food, water or shelter, and was dying from dehydration and starvation in the hot summer weather. He was tied up on a long, heavy chain, unable…

Dog Hit By Car Was In So Much Pain, But Learns How To Walk Again

Dog Hit By Car Was In So Much Pain, But Learns How To Walk Again

A young dog had been hit by a car and somehow made his way into a small factory where he then collapsed. The factory workers wanted to help him so they called our helpline to report his injury,” Animal Aid Unlimited, India explained. “We found him in so much pain that he just couldn’t stand.”…