Three-Legged Dog Stuck In Puppy Mill Cage For 9 Years Finally Gets His Happily Ever After

Three-Legged Dog Stuck In Puppy Mill Cage For 9 Years Finally Gets His Happily Ever After

Trip spent nine years stuck in a puppy mill cage. With only three legs (from an unknown injury), rotten teeth and really long nails, the tiny Chihuahua didn’t know what life outside a cage was like. But in September, Trip was finally rescued from his terrible life by National Mill Dog Rescue. They drove him…

Blind Pekingese Rescued From Puppy Mill Won’t Stop Wagging Her Tail

Blind Pekingese Rescued From Puppy Mill Won’t Stop Wagging Her Tail

Sweet Violet arrived at National Mill Dog Rescue badly matted and with bad eyes. Fortunately, for the senior Pekingese she has a loving home waiting for her with Peggy, her new mom. Peggy traveled hundreds of miles to meet this special girl and fortunately has experience with special needs dogs. She saw all of Violet’s…

Senior Chihuahua Just Rescued From Puppy Mill Tries His First Ever Bed

Senior Chihuahua Just Rescued From Puppy Mill Tries His First Ever Bed

A tiny 9-year-old Chihuahua never had a soft bed of his own. He does now thanks to National Mill Dog Rescue! He’s got no teeth and his tongue is hanging out but he’s still got his “tough Chihuahua spirit” according to the rescue’s founder, Theresa Strader. The old guy just arrived at their rescue facility…