puppy with exo mask

Puppy Mauled in Dog Fight Gets First Ever 3D-Printed Mask to Help Save Her Life

UC Davis biomedical engineering students and veterinary surgeons created a 3D printed mask designed to be used as a cast for a dog’s fractured skull. A 4-month-old puppy survived severe facial injuries after being mauled by a dog thanks in part to a special 3D-printed face mask. Recently, Loca arrived at UC Davis Davis School…

Generous Man Leaves $1000 Tip To Help Pay For Dog’s Surgery

Generous Man Leaves $1000 Tip To Help Pay For Dog’s Surgery

A bartender with a sick dog got an unexpected and amazing gesture of support from a stranger. Christina Summitt has a paw-print tattoo on her wrist which often leads to conversations with people about dogs. She has a dog of her own named Tucker, a Great-Dane/Labrador Mix, and volunteers with a pit bull rescue group….