
Video of Dog Filmed with Unusual Symptom of Illness Goes Viral

Callie the pit bull was standing behind the couch when her human thought something strange was going on. She approaches the dog and asks her if she’s okay, only to notice the dog’s head shaking uncontrollably.

The video, which is going viral, appears to be showing a symptom that turned out to be dog flu, according to the person who posted the video.

“ATTENTION dog owners! This video is from yesterday… a friend noticed this randomly happening and went to the vet immediately. The Vet said it was a dog flu that’s emerged from the US,” Taurean Joshua of Edmonton, Alberta, wrote in the post. “And is highly contagious.. please if you notice your dog/any pet doing this, get them to the vet ASAP.”


Since posting up the video, it’s been shared more than twenty-five thousand times in just two days.

The video comes just days after Canada announced its first two cases of dog flu in the country. Two rescued greyhound brought in from South Korea through the United States by a rescue in Windsor, Ontario, were diagnosed with the first cases of canine influenza in Canada, it was announced on January 8, 2018.

Five other dogs in Windsor a since have tested positive for highly contagious disease after coming in contact with the two dogs.

The five dogs have been quarantined by their owners to hep prevent further spread of the virus. There is no confirmation that the Pit Bull in this video, was one of the five infected dogs.

A few people viewing the video of Callie the Pit bull have commented that Callie appears to be displaying an indiopathic head tremor or seizure rather than the dog flu, which tends to focus more respiratory coughing.

However, some have pointed out that if the dog had a high fever from the flu, she may suffer seizures, just like humans do.

In any event, if you notice your dog having violent tremors, or evincing other symptoms that are neurological in nature, please see a veterinarian immediately.

To read up more on the symptoms and treatment of dog flu, read our article: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention of Dog Flu (Canine Influenza).

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