
Woman on Vacation Finds Injured Puppy and Realizes She Can’t Leave Her Behind

Diana was on vacation when she saw a puppy dragging her hind legs painfully on the ground. She decided to help the injured dog and picked her up.

We Love Animals

While giving the puppy comfort, Diana thought the puppy might have to be euthanized. But she learned the pup, who she named Pinta, had two broken hind legs and that surgery could save her life.

Diana wanted to try and so she paid for Pinta’s surgery. She also decided to adopt her and bring her home. But she would have to wait.

Four months later, Pinta arrived at Diana’s home. She taught Pinta how to swim and Pinta has made amazing progress – she can now run and play! It’s an amazing transformation for a puppy who didn’t have a bright future. But thanks to Diana, Pinta is truly loved.

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